Police Detective
The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog
Chapters List
of 1374
How to Kill894Shirk Credit895Old Friend Comes896Written Request for Leave897Serenity (4k)898Shame (4000 Medals)899Talk Nonsense900Short Guard (4K)901Five Flavors of the World902Choose903Ask for Leave904Unravel905Newborn906Split Up907Top Scene908Careful Wang Liang909Purely910AC (4K)911Lao Yang912Super Fast913Old and New Cases (4K)914White Pine Informant915I Don't Know What the Case Is916Cultural Relics917Confusing918Case on Hold919Hurry Up920Xinqiao Joins the Case Team921Preparing922Reasoning Team (4K)923Keep Looking for Clues (4K)924Price925Ready to Handle the Case926That's It?927Growing Wang Liang928Tell You Something929Are You Writing a Novel...930Does the Logic Make Sense?931Continue to Analyze932Who Is Afraid of Whom?933Check!934New Task935Dongshan City936Hello New Year~ By the Way, Let Me Tell You About My Work937Exhausted938Calm939Gentle Wind and Steady Waves940In the Middle941Wind and Rain (Join for the Role of the Old Man's Unchanging Heart942Changes943