Chapter 2941: The Lost City-State
Just when countless people were shocked and terrified, Ji Haotian's supreme and super omnipotent power suddenly exploded again, and the endless power of controlling the heaven and the way was overwhelming, and the suppression of the eternal land instantly suppressed the unprepared Gao Shangxuhuang On the ground!
Then Ji Haotian quickly made a move, using the ultimate power of the supreme super all-powerful power to control the heavenly way to forcibly deprive Gaoshangxuhuang's Hongmeng Supreme Treasure Invisible Wisdom God Bead, and put it into the Heavenly Way Tower.
After achieving his goal, Ji Haotian quickly embarked on the almighty treasure of heaven, Zilian, disappeared out of thin air, and traveled through time and space...
The various levels of universes in the total creation universe, from small to large, are:
1. Monolithic universe——it is a complete single universe with perfect physical rules.
2. Multiverse - composed of countless single universes, alternate universes, pocket universes and other parallel universes.
3. Super-large universe - a super-large universe contains at least two multiverses, and at most is unknown. Some super multiverses exist independently, not within the super universe.
4. The omnipotent universe - the core universe composed of countless super universes, countless multiverses and countless other various universes. In the Almighty Universe, the universe that contains an infinite number of infinite dimensions (infinite dimensions) with infinite multiple powers is a collection of life-knowable content, including all super universes, super universes, super universes, supreme universes, and extra universes. Dimensional Universe, Metaverse, Bubble Universe, Narrative Universe, System Universe, Parallel Universe, Multiverse, Quantum Universe, Particle Universe, Quark Universe, Basic Universe, Main Universe, Mother Universe, Sub Universe, Plane Universe, Outer Universe, etc. All universes are more comprehensive than the supermembrane theory, and they contain all ideologies, spaces, laws, dimensions, and the almighty core universe that contains all known and unknown things.
5. The total universe of good fortune, also known as the core universe of good fortune, is the "total universe" composed of countless omnipotent universes and countless other universes. Infinity, narrative, reality, universe, plane, dimension, dimension, etc., all cosmology.
All logical thinking and conceptual systems...and their referenced and non-referable worldviews, things, narratives, universes, dimensions, dimensions...are just non-existent particles that are a fraction of their infinity. It is all narratives And the origin of the cosmology, the narrative concept and itself are born from the total universe of good fortune. Any narrative cosmology, no matter how much you stack boxes or play magic stick philosophy, is all born from here, and splitting a lowest-level narrative at will is easy. Contains all meaningful and meaningless, definable and undefinable all "yes" and "no" in all senses, a negligible particle in it surpasses all mathematical concepts (far beyond the absolute truth Infinity and number universe), but also contains the absolute true infinite, which contains everything inside, and has any properties (including holographic), and the ceiling-level cosmology outside the theory, and the narrative echelon, ladder, matrix is one of them , created by the dissolution of all universes in the total universe into countless universe sources.
The total universe of good fortune is the oldest, most developed, and cruelest core universe of all time and space, including all worlds, universes, time and space, nothingness, vacuum, root, civilization..., all intelligible and incomprehensible categories They are all one part of its infinity, so it is called the total universe of good fortune, also known as the core universe of good fortune.
The total universe of good fortune transcends all time, space, plane, time and space, world, dimension, quadrant, reality, dimension, universe, narrative, field, phase, level, cause and effect, existence itself, class, value concept, concept definition, series setting , world view, etc., the sum of everything, transcending all universes and all realities, all existence and all non-existence, the universe, time, space, dimension, dimension plus all recursion and each iteration. The entire universe of good fortune contains all the incredible things that no life or consciousness can imagine, and all dimensions and cosmic reality and other forms of existence in it were born. Beyond omnipotence, omnipresence, containment, containment, even devouring all existence, thereby transforming all forms of original power, absolute nothingness, original ether, chaos, existence itself is also included here, all growth (recursion, iteration... ) and all existence and non-existence are attributed to the total universe of creation.
Lost city-state: a mysterious ultimate giant city of thousands of races in the universe, independently suspended in the endless void deep in the vast universe, it is the land of nothingness, the land of confusion, the destination of the foggy people, beyond all reality and time, space, Dimensions, dimensions, worldviews, universes, domains... the city, the center of the original spiral, which unifies the entire quantum universe into a single world, from all possible and ever-present planes, worldviews, universes, time and space ...and residents of high and low dimensions can communicate and trade here.